Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Joel Knows the Facts - Let me Introduce You

For ones that have not notice Joel C. Rosenberg on my blogroll, let me introduce him. It is strange because just before I rec'd my new book Jerusalem Showdown Must Read , I notice he had visited my blog. After linking him and started reading my new book, Mr. Rosenberg was mentioned in the first 7 pages. If you wish to keep up with his knowledge of what is happening with Israel in connection with Iran and Russia, perhaps you may want to link him as well.

Joel C. Rosenberg is the New York Times best-selling author of THE LAST JIHAD (2002), THE LAST DAYS (2003), and THE EZEKIEL OPTION (2005), with one million copies in print.

He previously served as a senior advisor to several U.S. and Israeli leaders, including Steve Forbes, Rush Limbaugh, former Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Natan Sharansky, and former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

He has been interviewed on more than 300 radio and TV shows, including ABC's "Nightline," CBN's 700 Club, CNN Headline News, Fox News Channel, MSNBC, the Michael Reagan Show, the Rush Limbaugh Show and the Sean Hannity Show.

His blog link is Joel Rosenberg’s Blog (open for comments) and his main website is Joel Rosenberg. I can not find his testimony now of his life and finding Jesus, however recently he has updated his main website. Don’t miss out on checking this out.

P.S. My previous post with a summary of links in regards to these subjects click here - Jerusalem-Iran-Russia-Syria-Hamas

Rush says reading THE EZEKIEL OPTION is like an episode of "24" and "If you only read one novel this year, this is the one" (click on Joel's main website and listen to Rush's audio)