Friday, January 13, 2006

I am a Big Fan of Blogger's Rights

Is it not wonderful to be able to write, cheer, express, post, and do whatever the heck you want to on YOUR OWN BLOG?

In my opinion, I feel this picture depicts just that. (smiling) Not only blogger's right but I am a fan of the ones on the field and THAT IS my loyal and supportive bloggers friends. You guys are awesome!! Thanks for everything. I will continue to root for you guys, however I need that cheerleading picture LMC (smiling) and a few good chants of victory cheers. My arms are raised but for the touchdowns and by no means for giving up or the ones that love to write bad things about other bloggers. I feel we are making a positive difference in the blogworld. My posts will follow with links and vigor, can't wait to get started.
P.S. Hope all have a great weekend.

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