Model from my 20's, now reclusive in my 40's. Christian Conservative - Breaking News - Politics - Fox News Addict - Assorted Topics and a Southerner living with the North at South Florida.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
I have Admirers but They are Losers
Evidently, I have a few admirers that love me apparently. They can’t get enough of me. Humm… It makes me laugh.... what else can you do when they are such losers? Darn it, I will not give them the time of day and read their messages for me. If you wish to read their love notes and repeated posts you can go to my sidebar under the blogs that link here or view them from thislink . In my opinion, they wish they could join me on the winning team and be a good American. Hopefully they will get over it soon being so upset about me not giving them attention and the confirmation no doubt of Judge Alito and how he will be our 5-4 vote. WOOHOO!!! Yeah that will be great news. Just remember my loser admirers....THREE MORE YEARS!!
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Location: Ft. Lauderdale-Broward Co., Florida, United States
I’m a Blessed American Christian Conservative from G.S.,AL. Assorted Posts include Politics, Breaking News, Passing Tougher Laws to Protect Our Children and Varies other Topics. Single with 2 grown children & 2 pups-Rottie and Poodle.
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