Monday, March 20, 2006

Blogs Reporting on Sex Predators

Please check out and support our bloggers that are getting the word out about these monsters-sex predators/rapist and despicable judges. Due to my limited visits lately, please let me know if I have left you out and I will add you to the list. God Bless all of you.

Dee at Chatterbox Chronicles-Little Miss Chatterbox
The Despicable Judge # 2 –Judge Connor

Jamie at Crittermusing-Just Thinking
“A key member of a child pornography ring that operated in at least six countries was sentenced today to what prosecutors say is the longest-ever jail term in Canada for the offence – 3 1/2 years.” Check out What Justice .

Rebecca at Revka’s Take posted
Putting Fear back into Child Rapists .

Jimmyb over atThe Conservative UAW Guy blog published HR 4472 and Judge John Connor in Ohio .

Stop The ACLU Jay published ACLU Oppose Sex Offender billboards .

MissLisa in Ohio at Beyond Frazzled is keeping us updated on what is happening in Columbus, Ohio. Be sure to check in often for all the updates.

Lost in Lima from Ohio is on top of things, please check out and stay updated with her. Part of her profile includes: A True Crime Blog. Despite being "lost in Lima", this blog covers crimes throughout the US. Focus is given to crimes against children, and sex crimes. So happy to have found her and Jimmyb highly recommended her blog.

Flopping Aces posted 3/20/06 at 7 am Sex Offenders Plastered Across Mississippi Flopping Aces linked My Post-Billboards Scream Shame and ACLU Oppose Sex Offender billboards .

Rae Ann at the blog Vicious Momma-I’m a Hoe not a rake or a shovel posted Click Here for Rae Ann’s view on Hinson should not have the RIGHT to a Fair Trial .

Check out Jessica's Law at Jessica’s Law - Detailed
Don't forget to add to your sidebar and search your home area regularly with Family Watchdog.US-A Free Service in the U.S.