Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Finding Supporters for Senator John Kerry Difficult

...is this really a surprise? (smiling) Senator John Kerry instead of announcing a possible run for the White House in 2008, planned in January, now has been postponed and delayed to late spring of 2007. Wish he would announce that he is moving to France and we will never hear from him again......wishful thinking on my behalf. It seems Flip Flopping Senator John Kerry is experiencing difficulties in finding supporters. If Kerry thinks people are going to forget, he is sadly mistaken.

Kerry to postpone decision on '08 run
Associates say 'joke' fallout stunned him via The Boston Globe
WASHINGTON -- Senator John F. Kerry's election-eve "botched joke" about the war in Iraq -- and the fierce denunciations his comments drew from fellow Democrats -- has led him to reevaluate whether to mount a run for the presidency in 2008 and has led him to delay an announcement about his decision, according to Kerry associates.
The Massachusetts Democrat is now leaning toward waiting until late spring before declaring his intentions, even as other candidates jump into the race and begin building organizing and fund-raising teams in early-primary states. Before the joke derailed his comeback, Kerry had signaled that he would decide whether to run by the end of January.
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