Monday, December 18, 2006

Fearing for their LIfe: Iranian Students and Protesters

Can you even imagine the bravery of these young people standing up to this crazy madman Ahmadinejah and the Iranian regime?
Guardian: Iranian student activists who staged an angry protest against President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad last week have gone into hiding in fear for their lives after his supporters threatened them with revenge.
One student fled after being photographed holding a banner reading, "Fascist president, the polytechnic is not for you", during Mr Ahmadinejad's visit to Tehran's Amir Kabir university. At least three others have gone underground after being seen burning his picture. Vigilantes from the militant Ansar-e Hezbollah group have been searching for them. [read more]
This picture to the right, shows ones in SUPPORT..Caption Summary: The president's backers show their support during his visit to Amir Kabir university last week to counter protests by student activists. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

These demonstrations have been going on for some time, however starting last Monday, the student activists and Basij militia crowds have sparked violent clashes between the groups. One student threw a shoe at Ahmadinejah where others have chanted ""Death to the dictator." More from the article.....
"He threatened us directly, saying that what we were doing was against the wishes of the nation," said Babak Zamanian, a spokesman for Amir Kabir university's Islamic students' committee. "After that, the students protested even more sharply, calling him a lying religious dictator and shouting, 'Forget America and start thinking about us!'
"We were chanting, 'Get lost Ahmadinejad!' and 'Ahmadinejad - element of discrimination and corruption.' You could see from his face that he was really shocked. He wasn't flashing his usual smile, and at one stage I thought he was going to cry. He told his supporters to respond with a religious chant hailing Ahmadinejad, but he was so shaken he was actually chanting it himself."
We should be so thankful that we are blessed to live and are free in the best country in the world, the United States. Can you even imagine living under such oppression? Wow, it is truly amazing how many people take this blessing for grantite.

Captain's Quarters has more on this story and Jim at Gateway Pundit (here also) has been following it from the start. Throughout the year, I have reported on the major crackdowns on the young people and things that are banned, especially anything that would resemble western life. The forbidden list continues to grow and the punishments are horrendous. What bravery of the young students that actually burned Admadinejad's picture during the President's speech at Amir Kabir Technical University, 12/11/06!!

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