Saturday, October 08, 2005

Technical Difficulties

Hi Everyone, today I am TRYING to fix MY NEW computer!! You would think having a newer version of everything you would not have any problems. Well think again!! Wishing at this moment I was a GEEK!

First one, my automatic updating will not allow me to install an important upgrade and my Microsoft Internet Explorer address bar will not let me use the drop down list. So needless to say, I want to scream!! Wrote tech support, but I am not holding my breath on them sending me a letter of easy steps to correct these problems. My whole morning has been spent on this exploration. Now since I have ranted about this aggravation, I AM HAPPY AGAIN for the MOMENT. (smiling)

Thanks Jill for the Roses, that was sweet of you! (smiling) Will try to catch up on all my favorite blogs after I take a few deep breaths and maybe an early drink!

P.S. The doctor yesterday went pretty well, glad it is now behind me - at least for a month.
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