Sunday, October 09, 2005

Protecting America’s Children

By Bill O’Reilly
Yellow - States heading in the wrong direction.
Gray - Inconclusive
Purple -States heading in the right direction.
STAR - States with a true law passed.

If you've been watching The Factor, you know we are engaged in a battle to protect young children from sexual predators. Many states don't protect children from sexual predators and allow these criminals back on the street to commit these crimes again. There have been despicable cases all across America in which girls and boys have been raped, abused, and even murdered - often by serial sex offenders who had been released by authorities after serving short prison sentences. Here are just a few of the more egregious examples:

* In Rhode Island, 18-year-old Josh Maciorski was convicted of having sex with a 13-year-old girl, but sentenced to probation. Two years later he molested a 14-year-old girl and served just one year. Then, when he got out, Maciorski raped a 16-year-old girl. His sentence after this third strike - an unbelievable three years in prison.

* In Missouri, 19-year old Darrell Jackson pleaded guilty to repeatedly sexually abusing a little girl, beginning she was just eight. But when Jackson came up for sentencing, a soft judge gave him four months in prison and five years probation.

* In Minnesota, Joseph Duncan stood in front of a judge, accused of molesting a young boy. Despite the fact that Duncan had previously served 16 years for raping another young boy at gunpoint, the judge released him on just $15,000 bail. Duncan promptly skipped bail and headed for Idaho, where he allegedly kidnapped, raped, and killed a 9-year old boy, molested his sister, and killed their family.

These outrageous crimes could have been prevented, which is why I am calling on every state in the union to pass a version of "Jessica's Law." The legislation is named after little Jessica Lunsford, who was just nine when her life was brutally ended by a sexual predator who had previously been convicted of sex crimes against a child. The crime forced Gov. Jeb Bush and the Florida legislature to mandate stiff minimum sentences for child abusers, who had all too often been slapped on the wrist by lenient judges.

There is simply no question that Jessica's Law will save lives, and similar laws need to be instituted in every state. Which is why we at The Factor have been putting pressure on Governors. Now it's your turn. We have investigated all 50 states to determine which ones are tough on sexual predators and which ones treat these criminals with kid gloves. You can find out where your state ranks elsewhere on this web site. If your state is soft or noncommittal, I urge you to write your Governor, who is paid by YOU. Simply click on your state on the map below and you will be taken to a form that will enable you to send a direct message to your state's chief executive. Please tell him or her, in your own words, how important this issue is to you - and remind the Governor that all politicians are ultimately accountable to you and your fellow voters.

This is literally a life-and-death battle to save our youngest and most vulnerable citizens from abuse, torture, and murder. I hope you'll do your part.
click here to Protecting America’s Children

Everyone can help if you wish in many ways, one can by simply writing an email. I have for your convenience all the links on my sidebar to write your State’s Governor, Representatives and Senators. That is the least someone can do to protect our children, they depend on US the adults to change laws as WE the People. This is heart breaking that some States are allowing these monsters to easily walk the streets. October 1st, Alabama passed one of the toughest laws in the nation. I am proud to live in a State and a city that is making a huge difference in this fight against sexual predators.
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