Monday, June 19, 2006

Thankful for No Terror Attacks since 9/11

We have many things to be thankful for and one is that our President and all the intelligent agencies are working vigorously to prevent terror attacks here in our homeland. If we only knew, just how many plans that have been foiled since 9/11 it would most likely be shocking to the American people. I believe with all my heart that our President is on top of this daily with every resource available to connect dots to prevent another attack. We have come a long ways in a short period of time, if you think about it, (since 9/11) compared to our country being wide open from our government being formed. Yes, there are still holes not filled, but everyday new measures are being taken to fill them. This should be reminder as well, to why a democrat president would be disastrous for our country, they are a cut and run bunch and would rather hide under their desks as well as deny that we are at war with terrorists-The Global War on Terror. God Forbid, if one ever is elected, you had better get your guns ready because we are going to be fighting for our lives in our own yards.

We were reminded again this past week of Al-Qaeda and their plans for killing as many people as before on 9/11 if not more in 2003. Whatever the reason for the plan being called off, if it was by Al-Qaeda or their organization having knowledge that our government was aware of their plans, that we do not know for sure. Don’t forget they are determined and are continuing to plot to kill us, these evil people are full of hate and their mission is to kill. These radical Islamic killers live and breathe to bring death to the infidel and that is we the people.

According to the new book that was released Sunday and excerpts on Time magazine’s web site stated OBL’s deputy in 2003 called off releasing deadly gas into New York’s subway. It also stated U.S. officials received intelligence that these terrorist operatives were 45 days away from day zero.
Our armed forces have arrested and killed terrorists and have confiscated tons of documents, computers, hard drives, journals, maps, weapons, intelligence of all forms from raids, prisoners, informants and many other sources, etc. and that should be remembered and acknowledged. Mentioned in the book, plans of this attack was on a computer hard drive of a Bahraini jihadist arrested in Feb 2003.

Excerpts from News Max

The informant said the operatives had planned to use a small, easily concealed device to release hydrogen cyanide into multiple subway cars.

The easy-to-make device, called "the mubtakkar," meaning "invention" in Arabic or "initiative" in Farsi, represented a breakthrough in weapons technology that "was the equivalent of splitting the atom," Suskind writes in his book. All previous attempts to use the deadly gas, similar to that used in Holocaust-era gas chambers, in mass attacks had failed.
Another excerpt from the article......

According to the report, President Bush was shown a model of the weapon in March 2003 and ordered alerts sent through the U.S. government. When intelligence arrived that al-Zawahri had called off the attack, Bush worried that something worse was in the works, Suskind writes.

At least two of Suskind's sources remembered Bush saying, "This is bad enough. What does calling this off say about what else they're planning? ... What could be the bigger operation Zawahri didn't want to mess up?" the author said.

"What has been concluded for the most part is this: al-Qaida's thinking is that a second-wave attack should be more destructive and more disruptive than 9/11," Suskind told the magazine in an interview.
We all know that our chances of having another attack is almost a sure thing, but I can sleep at night knowing that our President is our Commander in Chief and is committed to fighting these terrorists and doing whatever it takes to keep us safe.

Time Magazine Article Headline: Al-Qaeda Cell Planned to Attack Subway With Poison Gas, Says New Book

*UPDATE* VP Dick Cheney speaks at the National Press Club luncheon
Via Breitbart: Cheney Sees Success in Warding Off Attacks
Vice President Dick Cheney said Monday that aggressive U.S. action is responsible for preventing new terror attacks since the Sept. 11 strikes.

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