Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Father's Day and to Our Soldiers

Happy Father's Day to all you great dads!!
I have a wonderful Father that I love very much. (smiling)
A few Father's Day Poems for you or your children to print.
Daddy, I love you
For all that you do.
I'll kiss you and hug you
'Cause you love me, too.
You feed me and need me
To teach you to play,
So smile 'cause I love you
On this Father's Day.
The things you taught me I will always know.
How could I not? The roots have sunk so deep:
All lessons of the heart that I will keep
No matter who I am or where I go.
Kids learn from what their parents are, and so
You are my book of life, the thoughts I reap;
Only in your arms I quiet sleep;
Under my words your voice sings soft and slow.
From you I learned the rules of right and wrong
Against which I at times had to rebel,
Though with regret I carry with me still.
How lucky I am to have been loved so well,
Even as I pushed against your will,
Relying on a father fair and strong.
How much I love you I can't say:
It's more than words can hold.
You're all at once my rich, red clay,
My potter and my mold.
Yours the words that shaped my voice,
The spirit within mine.
Yours the will that shaped my choice,
My fortune, and my sign.
How lucky I was to have had you
At the core of me!
Wise and good, you always knew
Just what I could be.
And so I came to be someone
Whom I could be proud of.
Let us keep in our thoughts and prayers our troops, many are fathers too, that are far away and protecting us all. Thank you to Soldier-Dads that are keeping our nation safe.
We need to be praying for the safe return of two of our missing soldiers in Iraq too, that on Friday vanished after an attack.

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