Friday, October 19, 2007

Hispanic Website launched by Florida Democrats

Florida Democrats are focusing on the more than 3 million Hispanic voters in this state and hoping that they can convince them in casting a vote in their favor. Any legal hispanic American citizen, registered to vote, most likely is not in favor of open borders, or neither in favor of the lack of values and morals that the hi-jacked party of the extreme far left represent. So here it is the offical Democrat page.
“La gente de la Florida desea una voz fuerte en el gobierno. El Partido Demócrata de la Florida da resultados. ¡Infórmese, regístrese, y entre en acción para ayudar elegir a los líderes que ponen los intereses de todos en la Florida en primer lugar!”

-Karen L. Thurman, Presidente del Partido Demócrata de la Florida