Thursday, May 18, 2006

Senate Votes for Border Fence

Yesterday the votes were 83-16 for the fence; this will include building a triple-layer fence along 370 miles and a call for 500 miles of vehicle barriers. Are you familiar with vehicle barriers? If not, they are about waist high and often on our expressways. Hummm!! Well this is a start……Guess who voted against this amendment.

Via Powerline
This is the list--all Democrats:
Akaka (D-HI) Bingaman (D-NM) Cantwell (D-WA) Dodd (D-CT)Durbin (D-IL) Feingold (D-WI)Inouye (D-HI) Jeffords (I-VT) Kennedy (D-MA) Lautenberg (D-NJ) Lieberman (D-CT)Menendez (D-NJ) Murray (D-WA) Obama (D-IL) Reed (D-RI) Sarbanes (D-MD)
You have to give Bingaman credit for courage, I guess. The Senators next closest to the border who voted against the fence are from Washington and Illinois.
On Wednesday afternoon, I watched our Senators perform on C-SPAN2. You can only stomach just so much especially having to listen and watch Sen. Kennedy dominate the podium with him screaming continuously.

Worldnetdaily reports: Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., opposed the fence, saying, "What we have here has become a symbol for the right wing in American politics," adding that if the fence were ultimately approved, "our relationship with Mexico would come down to a barrier between our two countries."
We Need a Fence
Stop the ACLU