Monday, April 10, 2006

Skip School-Protest-Get Credit

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Article: Washington Post
The Montgomery County schools' decision to grant students community service credit for attending Monday's immigration rights protest is raising concern among some parents as well as activists who say officials should focus on education, not political advocacy.
Montgomery is the only Washington area school system offering students credit for taking part in the event, to be held on the Mall -- a decision Superintendent Jerry D. Weast said is consistent with how the system has operated.
"This is nothing new,'' schools spokesman Brian K. Edwards said about the decision. "Advocacy is allowed."
But in the superheated atmosphere surrounding the immigration debate, the decision is drawing sharp criticism from many quarters. Yesterday, school system offices were flooded with angry phone calls as word of its action circulated among conservative radio hosts.

Say WHAT?? Do the student's get a note that they attended? In my opinion this is ridiculous and I would be an angry parent too? How about me just being an upset citizen about this?

Check out Magnolia's Take...(smiling) I feel she speaks for many of us...
Illegal aliens

UPDATED: The time stamp from 11:06 a.m. to now 5:33 p.m.

I hear the Libs are out there registering voters.......too!! Raise your hand and sign-up...they say!!
Kennedy is out there....running his mouth.....thank goodness FNC spared me!!