Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Breaking: FBI ARREST Two Aides of Democrat State Senator Fumo

Two Aides of DEMOCRAT Sen. Vincent J. Fumo (D- Philadelphia) was arrested today by the FBI. The Democrat's Culture of Corruption is getting deeeeeep, get out the boots better yet the waders.

Via Philadelphia Business Journal Senator's staffers charged with obstruction

Two computer-services employees who were working for Pennsylvania state Sen. Vincent J. Fumo were arrested Wednesday morning and charged with obstructing a federal investigation into his dealings involving a nonprofit organization.
According to the 65-page affidavit unsealed Wednesday, Leonard Luchko, 49, of Collingdale, Pa., and Mark Eister, 36, of Camp Hill, Pa., systematically destroyed e-mail and other electronic evidence to keep it from FBI scrutiny.
Senator Vincent J. Fumo's websites are here and here.
Harrisburg, April 28, 2006 -- State Senator Vince Fumo of Philadelphia was honored as the Man of he Year by the Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers today. Fumo supports Senator FEINGOLD's RESOLUTION CENSURING GEORGE W. BUSH FOR ILLEGAL SPYING ON AMERICAN CITIZENS [read more]

An ongoing investigation by the FBI and Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Division is exploring whether Fumo used his authority and position to extort money from corporations for a nonprofit associated with his South Philadelphia district office. The investigation is also examining whether he benefited personally and politically from expenditures made by the nonprofit.
Guess Democrat Jefferson's exposure of corruption prompted fast action.

According to the affidavit, upon learning of the investigation, Luchko instructed the senator's Philadelphia staff to delete all e-mails regarding Fumo, and Eister took similar steps in Harrisburg, the state capital. Staffers were also instructed not to save e-mails to or from the senator and computers and Blackberrys pertaining to the investigation were "wiped clean," U.S. Attorney Pat Meehan and Acting FBI Special Agent-in-Charge Brian W. Lynch said.
This is what happens when the crooks learn of an investigation.......Same as if Congress would have been tipped off to the raid on Jefferson's Capital Hill office.

"This was a deliberate, systematic, and ultimately successful effort to interfere with a federal investigation," Meehan said.
Yes, I would have to agree!!!

A call to Fumo's office for comment was not returned.
Is this a surprise? excerpt: During his years in politics, Fumo has been criminally charged twice. In 1973, he was charged with voter fraud, but the charges were later withdrawn.
In 1980, he was convicted on charges of placing "ghost employees" on the state legislative payroll, but a judge later tossed out the verdict, saying the evidence was too thin.
Humm, sound like another one that is ABOVE THE LAW!!!

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Donkey Cons - Left Wing=Hate -

Say What? Resignation of Max Mayfield

Via Drudge Report Flash
SILVER SPRING, MD – Hundreds of concerned citizens and leaders from across the nation will join Hurricane Katrina survivors Wednesday to call for the resignation of the heads of the National Hurricane Center (NHC) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) at the NOAA Headquarters just outside of Washington, D.C. During an 11 a.m. demonstration, advocates will demand that NOAA stop covering up the growing scientific link between severe hurricanes and global warming while insisting on real solutions to the problem of global warming. [Read Full Story]

These people are NUTS!!! I live in the hurricane zone, and we count on NHC and NOAA!! I'm speechless.....this is totally ridiculous.
On a prior post: On Friday night before the storm hit Max Mayfield of the National Hurricane Center took the unprecedented action of calling Nagin and Blanco personally to plead with them to begin MANDATORY evacuation of New Orleans and they said they'd take it under consideration. This was after the NOAA buoy 240 miles south had recorded 68' waves before it was destroyed.
Sidenote: Ones must not remember that Max Mayfield called La. Gov. Kathleen Blanco in the middle of the night to warn her again about Katrina. He said that he would not have been able to sleep if he did not call her again to warn and plead with her of the dangers. (not exact words but he was extremely concerned that she was ignoring the warnings)

Bin Ladin Gives $1 MILLION+ to Carter Center

Via Email from Censure Carter Committee
In 2004, liberal filmmaker, Michael Moore, maliciously accused President Bush of having supposed close ties to Osama BinLadin.

But Michael Moore, as usual, wasn't telling you the truth.

You see, the BinLadin family does have close ties to an American president, but it isn't George W. Bush they were closest to.

NO, that distinction belongs to disgraced former President, Jimmy Carter.

An investigation by the Censure Carter Committee into the financing for "The Carter Center" of Atlanta, Georgia (founded by President Carter and his wife to advance his "Blame America First" foreign policies) reveals that over $1,000,000 has been funneled from Bakr M. BinLadin for the Saudi BinLadin Group to the Carter Center.

Another excerpt:
So, have you had enough of former President Jimmy Carter and his continued pattern of undermining American national security? Are you sick and tired of seeing him defend every despot, dictator and anti-American terrorist organization under the sun?

Then please - support our efforts at the Censure Jimmy Carter campaign.

We are about to launch a 2nd wave of television ads on national television networks asking Americans to rebuke Carter's efforts in North Korea, Iraq, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba and elsewhere.

Oh yeah - In fact, during the 2004 Democratic National Convention, former President Jimmy Carter hosted Michael Moore in the presidential viewing box, while ex-President Bill Clinton addressed the crowd.
Also Canada Free Press is reporting on this.

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Bits Blog - Caption's Quarters - California Conservative - Right Voices - Presto Agitato -

Rice: Nuclear Weapons Represents a Direct Threat

The United States has had no official direct talks with the Iranians since the two countries cut diplomatic ties following the occupation of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran by radicals in 1979. Fox News

AP-Breitbart reports: U.S. Says It's Prepared to Talk With Iran

U.S. Dept. of State:
Statement by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
The pursuit by the Iranian regime of nuclear weapons represents a direct threat to the entire international community, including to the United States and to the Persian Gulf region. In defiance of repeated calls from the IAEA Board of Governors and from the Security Council, the Iranian government has accelerated its nuclear program while continuing to conceal its activities from international inspectors. [full text]

Washington Times: TEHRAN -- Iran, apparently anticipating an American invasion, has quietly been restructuring its military and testing a new military doctrine that calls for a decentralized, Iraqi-style guerrilla campaign against an invading force.

Iran to build two more nuclear plants
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran plans to build two 1,000 megawatt nuclear reactors and will solicit bids within the next two months, a senior official told Reuters on Wednesday.
Will Update Soon....

UPDATE: Iran: U.S. Talk Proposal as "Propaganda Move"
Exclusive Interview: U.N. Amb. Bolton on Your World w/Cavuto on FNC
"Time to put up or shut up" said Bolton and "giving Iran the chance to prove they mean what they say."
I like John Bolton...(smiling)

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Justice Dept: Jefferson tried to Hide Papers

This makes you think of Sandy Berger (Clinton's former national security adviser) stuffing papers into his pants, socks and briefcase. (oh yeah, an honest mistake but when he was found guilty it was intentional) Perhaps Congressman Jefferson learned from Berger!! The "Culture of Corruption" goes way back.

Via Washington Post
The Justice Department yesterday vigorously defended the recent weekend raid of Rep. William J. Jefferson's Capitol Hill office as part of a bribery investigation, asserting that the Democratic lawmaker attempted to hide documents from FBI agents while they were searching his New Orleans home last August.
The government questioned in a 34-page motion filed in U.S. District Court here whether it could have obtained all the materials it had sought in a subpoena if it had not launched the surprise raid on Jefferson's congressional office May 20. According to the government filing, an FBI agent caught Jefferson slipping documents into a blue bag in the living room of his New Orleans home during a search.
Sounds deliberate to me by Jefferson..... This is ridiculous making the Justice Dept the bad guys for investigating the crooks!!
"It is my belief that when Congressman Jefferson placed documents into the blue bag, he was attempting to conceal documents that were relevant to the investigation," FBI agent Stacey E. Kent of New Orleans stated in an affidavit that was part of the government's court submission. The document was filed in response to Jefferson's lawsuit demanding that the government return to him documents seized during the raid on his Capitol Hill office 11 days ago.
Robert P. Trout, Jefferson's attorney, said he would refrain from commenting pending further review of the government's documents. Meanwhile, the recent FBI raid spurred new tensions between Congress and the administration, as a House committee chairman vowed to interrogate top Justice Department officials.
Why not the opposite? Let the top Justice Dept question the House committee? This is the kicker.....Now, a threat of drafting a bill for a new law to protect Congress and their offices at the Capital.
Judiciary Committee Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wis.) said he wants Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales and FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III to appear "up here to tell us how they reached the conclusion" to conduct the raid, which Sensenbrenner called "profoundly disturbing" on constitutional grounds. The chairman also said that his committee "will be working promptly" to draft legislation that would clearly prohibit wide-ranging searches of lawmakers' offices by federal officials pursuing criminal cases.
How short is our memory? A.G. Gonzales is working hard and keeping our nation safer.

Via DOJ - April 14, 2005 -25th anniversary of National Victims' Rights Week- Operation FALCON has led to the highest number of arrests ever recorded for a single initiative of its kind.
Via DOJ - April 27, 2006 - For the week beginning April 17, more than 9000 fugitives were arrested and more than 10,000 felony warrants were closed.
The Marshals Service, joined by many federal, state, and local partners, targeted the worst-of-the-worst fugitive felons in the country. Among those arrested were more than 1100 fugitives wanted for committing felony sex offenses or violent sexual assaults, or for failing to register as sex offenders.

Speeches of Atty General Alberto Gonzales.

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Blue Crab Boulevard - Wizbang -

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Bricks arrive in Congress

Via Rocky Mountain News

Lawmakers get hard messages
WASHINGTON - Sometimes, mail call hits Congress like a ton of bricks - literally.
One by one, opponents of illegal immigration have been sending lawmakers real, red bricks with angry messages written on the side: "Build a wall. Deport them all."
One letter, which was wrapped around a brick and mailed to the senator, says: "I can't take a day off from work to go stand in the street and protest all day long like an illegal immigrant. But I did have time to send you this brick so that you could get started building a wall between the U.S. and Mexico."

Send-A-Brick is making an impact!! Check out the updates....

The Send-A-Brick Project was created by concerned citizens to send bricks to Washington encouraging our Congressmen to stand tough on border security.
Each brick sends a message to our Senators and Representatives that we want our borders secured before any other action is taken on illegal immigration.

N.Y. Times reports on this story. Excerpt- an estimated 10,000 bricks since it began in April..

Others Blogging:
Blue Crab Boulevard -

Plans to Draft Legislation to Protect from Raids

Go figure, plans to draft legislation to protect Congress from the FBI. I don't care if they are Democrats or Republicans if they are guilty of corruption - kick their butts out and put them behind bars. Term Limits are what we need, but no...don't hold your breath on this legislation. This really ticks me off. As I stated previously, If the FBI can not investigation Congress who can? The Capital is not a 'safe haven vault' for evidence storing of wrongdoings.

Atty General Alberto Gonzales has been tough on law-breakers i.e. pedophiles, illegals, etc. and is doing an excellent job in my opinion. The FBI had ever right with their search warrant to enter the office of Democrat William Jefferson at the Capital building. Why are these lawmakers screaming about their privileges instead of this major corruption going on? It seems the phrase of the day is No Wrongdoing!! Democrat Harry Reid is the latest!!

Via Reuters
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House Judiciary Chairman James Sensenbrenner said on Tuesday he plans to draft legislation that would protect congressional material during searches by government investigators.
Sensenbrenner also said he wanted to call Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and FBI Director Robert Mueller to testify about their justification for the unprecedented raid on the office of Rep. William Jefferson, the target of a bribery investigation.
Sensenbrenner, a Wisconsin Republican, said at a hearing on the raid that his bill could avoid a repeat of last week's standoff between congressional leaders and the Bush administration after the search of Jefferson's Capitol Hill office. [Full Story]

Tony Snow Corrects Helen followed by Laughter

Helen gives new meaning and definition to the Press Briefing. (laughter) Contemptible!! that best describes Helen.....despicable. Tony Snow reminds Helen of her own behavior.

Via Drudge Report (Flash)
Helen Thomas calls new Bush aide 'contemptible,' tangles with Tony Snow
Tue May 30 2006 13:34:41 ET

Helen Thomas, doyenne of the White House press corps, tangles with Tony Snow at today's briefing over President Bush's appointment of Karl Zinmeister as domestic policy adviser:

QUESTION: Why did the president pick a man who is so contemptible of the public servants in Washington to be his domestic adviser, saying, People in Washington are morally repugnant, cheating, shifty human beings. Why did he...

SNOW: Apparently an opinion that's...

QUESTION: Why would he pick such a man to be a domestic adviser?

SNOW: You meant contemptuous as opposed to contemptible I think.

QUESTION: Pure contempt.

SNOW: I'm not sure it's pure contempt. I know Karl Zinsmeister pretty well and he is somebody who expresses himself with a certain amount of piquancy. You're perhaps familiar with that, aren't you, Helen?

And so, as a consequence from time to time, he's going to say -- he'll have some sharp elbows.

QUESTION: His attitude toward public servants...

SNOW: I don't think it is his attitude toward public servants. It may have been toward the press. Just kidding. (LAUGHTER) No, look if, you look at the bulk of what Karl Zinsmeister has done at the American Enterprise and elsewhere, I think you're going to find somebody who's done some pretty meaty and interesting research on a variety of topics. The reason he's being brought in is that he's...

QUESTION: Do you agree with his assessment?

SNOW: I'm not going to -- it is one sentence the guy wrote. And perhaps you may recall -- yes?

QUESTION: Arrogant, morally repugnant, cheating, shifty.

SNOW: That's a lot in one sentence, isn't it? He just packed it right in.
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Ring Side for Reid

Free Boxing Tickets for ring side!! Why not? You want a bill passed? It seems Senator Democratic LEADER Harry M. Reid did not mind being persuaded and/or influenced, no arm-twisting for Reid for free gifts. Between 2003 and 2005, Reid accepted FREE ringside tickets from the Nevada Athletic Commission on three (3) different occasions for professional boxing matches. Reid was pressing legislation at the time; then defends the gifts and states that would not influence his position on the bill that may affect an important home state industry. Does “culture of corruption” ring a bell; perhaps that wasn’t the thought at ringside for Reid.

"I'm not Goodie Two Shoes. I just feel these events are nothing I did wrong," Reid said.

Via Washington Post
Senate ethics rules generally allow lawmakers to accept gifts from federal, state or local governments, but specifically warn against taking such gifts -- particularly on multiple occasions -- when they might be connected to efforts to influence official actions.
"Senators and Senate staff should be wary of accepting any gift where it appears that the gift is motivated by a desire to reward, influence, or elicit favorable official action," the Senate ethics manual states.
"Repeatedly taking gifts which the Gifts Rule otherwise permits to be accepted may, nonetheless, reflect discredit upon the institution, and should be avoided," the manual states.

Several ethics experts said Reid should have paid for the tickets, which were close to the ring and worth between several hundred and several thousand dollars each, to avoid the appearance he was being influenced by gifts.

Humm, What round is this I am losing count? Know wonder Senators do not want their offices raided for corruption.

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Sunday, May 28, 2006

Let us Honor the Fallen

This weekend while you are enjoying time with your family on this special holiday weekend, please take a moment and remember our fallen soldiers. Let us keep our troops, POWs and MIA in our hearts and prayers. Thank you Veterans!! May God Bless America!!

A Bit of History here.....
In 1868, Commander in Chief John A. Logan of the Grand Army of the Republic issued General Order Number 11 designating May 30 as a memorial day "for the purpose of strewing with flowers or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village, and hamlet churchyard in the land."

The first national celebration of the holiday took place May 30, 1868 at Arlington National Cemetery, where both Confederate and Union soldiers were buried. Originally known as Decoration Day, at the turn of the century it was designated as Memorial Day. In many American towns, the day is celebrated with a parade. Source - [Read More]

America Supports You!! Memorial Day 2006 - U.S. Dept of Veterans Affairs

Photo caption: A flag waves in front of the Tomb of the Unknowns also known as the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier for the "Flag's In" ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Va. May 25, 2006. Defense Dept. photo by William D. Moss
Defense Dept. photo by William D. Moss
Be sure to check out The Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Wall .
Blue Star Chronicles has an excellent post with many links that you will enjoy.
A tribute to all those who have given their lives defending freedom-Music Hymn and Video at Mike's America.
Terrific Tributes by Bushwack at American and Proud of it.
"Flags In" at MDConservative - Conservative Intelligence Report
Gayle at My Republican Blog posted Remembering .

Soldiers Fly Fish in Iraq

GIs angle for quiet time at Baghdad School of Fly Fishing

CAMP VICTORY, Iraq - Like many of his fellow anglers in the Baghdad School of Fly Fishing, Navy Lt. Joel Stewart thought an afternoon of casting on one of Saddam Hussein's lakes could make him feel as though he had escaped the war and was back in his native Montana, fishing for trout.
For many soldiers, the war in Iraq is about enduring painfully long stretches of boredom punctuated by brief flashes of terror. Even the most battle-seasoned of infantrymen can weather months of humdrum patrols without firing a shot or being fired at.
[Read Full Story]

Check out Joel's awesome fishing pictures here. The bottom photo is from his site. This story really caught my attention, being an angler myself, I understand why this school really took off.

Be sure to get updates and look at more photos at Baghdad School of Flying Fishing .

Friday, May 26, 2006

Breaking: Shots Fired in Rayburn House Office Bldg at the Capital

The Rayburn House Office Building - Capital Complex on Lockdown in Washington D.C.
Reports: Shots have been fired in garage level-parking area.
Capital Police are searching room to room.
Will Update soon....... More at Fox News
Police sealed off the U.S. Capitol Friday after reports of gunfire in a House office building across the street...Blackberry message: This is a message from the U.S. Capitol Police

1. If you are in the Rayburn HOB then Shelter in Place. Quickly move into the nearest interior office space or interior hallway and away from windows. The Capitol Police are investigating reports of gunfire in the Rayburn HOB.
2. If nearby, grab Go-Kits and personal belongings.
3. Close doors behind you, but do not lock.
4. Remain calm.
5. Await further instructions. Do not leave the building.
Via Drudge Report and here.
Update: Four (4) ambulances have arrived. Via AP
Terrorist Task Force, FBI....have been called in.
Update: 12:00 p.m.
News Conference Scheduled at Noon.
Approx: 10:30 a.m. Shots were reported and info still coming in.
Update: Two women reported to Cap Hill police - man hiding in gym with a gun.
White Male - 5'11" , 175 lbs. Next Update News Conference scheduled at 1:15 p.m.
Woman taken away on gurney - (Not gunshot related)
Update: News Conference Update re-scheduled for 1:30 p.m.
Update: Rep. Jack Kington (R-Ga) is live blogging
UPDATE: 3:20 p.m. ALL CLEAR at Rayburn Bldg
UPDATE: 3:50 p.m. -Live Press Conference
Loud noise that sounded like gunfire came from construction work. Thumbs Up for the Capital Police and all law enforcement involved.

HUMM...It makes you think of Cynthia McKinney (D-Ga) bypassing security without her CONGRESSIONAL PIN. In my opinion, everyone should have to go through the Capital Police.

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UPDATE from Big Dog Weblog that linked with:
"There has been no confirmation that when Capital Police said “shots in the garage” Ted Kennedy ran down there with a glass. "

Thursday, May 25, 2006

More Privileges for Congress Exposed

Please bare with me as I try to compose this as I see it, posted on Jefferson late Sun night. Okay this scumbag congressman William Jefferson DEMOCRAT-LA is caught on videotape (red handed) accepting a $100, 000 in $100 bills from an FBI informant and the conversations including him laughing about it were recorded as well. Later, the FBI found money stashed in Jefferson’s freezer, in one of his homes too. Then Jefferson denies any wrongdoing. Hello!! who does he think he is!? oh yeah a Democrat -above the law and a CONGRESSMAN! I hope Jefferson spares us from pulling out Harry Belafonte and Danny Glover. This just blew the Democrat's plan to campaign for this fall's midterm elections against what they call a Republican "culture of corruption."

Nancy Pelosi does not seem to be bothered so much about this “culture of corruption” within her own party but is ‘up in arms’ over the FBI being allowed to go into Jefferson’s Capital Hill office. (a judge granted this search warrant after reviewing overwhelming evidence) According to some members of the House of Representatives, this search warrant was in violation of the Constitution. (The Constitutional principle of Separation of powers - the Speech and Debate clause of the Constitution.) I'm going pass on trying to explain this buried protection for Congress and their offices at the Capital.

Then ABC network is ticked off about ‘having egg on their liberal faces’ by Jefferson getting caught then in a retaliation ABC attacks House Speaker Dennis Hastert. I wish Hastert would have kept his mouth shut but no, now Congress is diverting the story around the constitution to protect all their butts. Now Hastert is threatening to sue ABC for not retracting their lies. ABC is guilty of trying to ruin Hastert's reputation with untrue stories, perhaps they are looking for viewers and it is worth it to them the consequences.

Apparently, there is a boat load of privileges granted to our Congress, and they are trickling out one by one. It seems they have created laws to protect themselves over 200 yrs and counting. With Cynthia McKinney, we learned that our members of Congress are allowed to bypass security at the Capital. Then Patrick Kennedy is granted a pass by saying he was on his way to vote in the wee hours of the morning, and was exempt from being tested or detained for driving under the influence. Heck, for being arrested as he should have been for breaking the law. This is only a dinghy of info compared to all the other privileges they receive, one is inside trading allowed to the members.

The latest development our President stepped in today between the power struggle going on with DOJ and House of Representatives and made a decision. He directed the DOJ to seal all materials recovered from Jefferson’s office for 45 days and no one will have access involved in the investigation. (perhaps for a cooling down time)

Congress' approval ratings are in the 20's. I do not feel that a capital office should be a vault for hiding information, the FBI was right on in my opinion. This guy is a crook, to be honest the majority of them are.

Some lawmakers have warned of a voter backlash against members of Congress "trying to protect their own" if party leaders keep escalating a constitutional dispute over the FBI's raid of Rep. William Jefferson's Capitol Hill office.
Not long after House Speaker Dennis Hastert and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi demanded on Wednesday the FBI return documents it took, White House aides were in talks with Hastert's staff about the possible transfer of the material, perhaps to the House ethics committee, according to several Republican officials.
Does the Speech and Debate Clause cover this? NO!!! This was designed to keep a President from stopping someone going to vote at the capital... that basically sums it up. Wonder why old Teddy is being so quiet? If the FBI can not investigation Congress who can?

Others Blogging:
Point Five Blog (Hastert) - GOP Bloggers

What Goes Around Comes Around that not the truth!!! The Enron Giants found GUILTY!!! Ken Lay and Jeffrey Skilling get what they deserve. [ Full Story ]
UPDATE: Lay speaks!! I am not questioning Ken Lay's faith, but it sure is amazing when ones are found guilty how they preach of Christianity at the microphones.
"In the hands of the Lord" said Lay. I say "but judged by his peers and Thou shalt not steal!!" well Shep said it too.

Bloggers Blog linked with Bloggers Cover Enron Convictions
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National Missing Children's Day

Proclaimed National Missing Children’s Day by President Ronald Reagan in 1983, May 25th serves as an annual reminder to make child protection a national priority. Click Here
That is John Walsh in the picture too.

Sex Offender too Short for Prison?

Via Fox News

SIDNEY, Neb. — A judge said a 5-foot-1 man convicted of sexually assaulting a child was too small to survive in prison, and gave him 10 years of probation instead.
This is unbelievable.....

His crimes deserved a long sentence, District Judge Kristine Cecava said, but she worried that Richard W. Thompson, 50, would be especially imperiled by prison dangers.
"You are a sex offender, and you did it to a child," she said.
But, she said, "That doesn't make you a hunter. You do not fit in that category."
"Deserves a long sentence" - probation?

Thompson will be electronically monitored the first four months of his probation, and he was told to never be alone with someone under age 18 or date or live with a woman whose children were under 18. Cecava also ordered Thompson to get rid of his pornography.
Huh? Why not just slap him slightly on the wrist and place him in the corner for time-out? If this is not one of the worst judges, she needs to be on the top 5 with Cashman and Buddies. Can you imagine living in a state that judges side with the sex offenders? What in the world could this sicko judge be thinking? Obviously, she cares nothing about the child and the rest of their life, dare not forget Thompson's future victims. It is time for the PEOPLE to RISE and hold these judges and criminals accountable. This blows my mind!!!

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Southern Sass on Criminal Activity Today - West Coast Chaos -

An Alabama Star - The American Idol - Taylor

I am probably the only person in America that does not watch American Idol. Well, that is not completely true, once or twice during the seasons I have flipped there for a few minutes to see the new talent try out, but never watched the complete hour show. I have always said, for someone that does not watch the show, I know everything that goes on because they show clips daily it seems on Fox News during the season. (smiling) There is no way around NOT knowing if I want to know or not.

Last night, I was in the largest number of viewers to flip there for the last thirty minutes. My biggest surprise was that the show brought tears of happiness to my eyes immediately. When I first turned it on, they were handing a guy an award and it touched me in a way I can’t describe. Then at the end as everyone else knows naming Taylor Hicks the next American Idol was more than awesome. Being from AL… it made me proud. I am thrilled that I tuned in last night after all.

The Soul Patrol has a winner, and Alabama has its second American Idol.
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Eye of the Storm

Blogger Problems?

Is anyone else having problems or is it just my blog?
Are you viewing a black or white background? I haven't changed any settings in several days. When I refresh it is black and when it loads it goes to a white background on my computer screen. Hummm.....confused on the solution.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Supporting Our President

My family supports our President!! and proud of it.

Our President supports our Troops and has never waivered on The War on Terror.

If President Bush could run again for President I would vote for him.
Jeb Bush and Condi Rice would be the perfect team in O8!!
Lately, it has been discouraging reading certain blogs that have changed their opinion of our President based on one issue. I view it like a friendship, what happened to loyalty through thick and thin? If you disagree with a friend, spouse, or mate do you jump ship immediately and bash that person? I would say no!!
If one takes time-out to view all the positives that our President has done for our country it is overwhelming. As I have stated on several blogs, I can sleep at night knowing our President is on top of protecting our nation from terrorists. Instead of grumbling, I would suggest praying for our President, our brave soldiers, and our country. Be thankful we live in America and have a President that has faith in God.
If you wish to be listed as a supporter of our President with your post, let me know and I will add you to this one. I highly recommend you read The Anchoress' post if you haven't already. She wrote an awesome post that reflects exactly how I feel. Yesterday I posted on this and many times before about my support for our President. Below are a few blogs that I know of... that have responded with their feelings about our President in recent posts.
Others Blogging and Supporters:

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Bush: U.S. will come to Israel's Aid

May. 23, 2006 Tuesday Night President Bush's and Israel's PM Ehud Olmert met live and discussed the Iranian threats. [White House Transcript]

President Bush said "I told the Prime Minister what I've stated publicly before: Israel is a close friend and ally of the United States, and in the event of any attack on Israel, the United States will come to Israel's aid. The United States is strongly committed, and I'm strongly committed, to the security of Israel as a vibrant, Jewish state.
Expose The Left has video posted.
Meanwhile, Iran planned their timing around the summit for test-firing a missile.
The Jerusalem Post reports: Iran conducted a test launch Tuesday night of the Shihab-3 intermediate-range ballistic missile, which is capable of reaching Israel and US targets in the region, Israel Radio reported. The test came hours before Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met with US President George W Bush in Washington to discuss the Iranian threat.
Iran seems to be testing more than missiles along with very serious threats. The more time that they get to stall, the more of a threat they become.

Pic Caption: Photo released on Monday April 3, 2006 shows a test firing of a Fajr-3 missile fired by Iran in the Persian Gulf on April 1. (AP)
Iran psyches itself up for war : There is a hardline Islamic group in Tehran that is openly recruiting suicide bombers. Iran deploys its war machine ...
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Millions of Viewers for FNC

MON., MAY 22, 2006 - The Drudge Report

FNC O'REILLY 2,105,000
FNC GRETA 1,494,000
FNC HUME 1,341,000
FNC SHEP SMITH 1,215,000
CNN KING 885,000
CNN DOBBS 702,000
CNN COOPER 590,000
CNN ZAHN 527,000

Breaking: Another Bin Laden Tape Surfaces

Reuters and Fox News:
Report: Bin Laden Denies Moussaoui Had Role in Sept. 11
The new tape is "propaganda plain and simple," a U.S. intelligence official told FOX News' Catherine Herridge on the condition of anonymity.
That official also said the message is part of bin Laden's continuing effort to demonstrate he is a relevant extremist leader, who is knowledgeable of current events.
One liar speaking about another liar. Two evil terrorists craving media coverage and wishing to remind us how vemonous they are. Well, one is locked away and hopefully soon the other one will be dead.
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Acquitted: Five Ex-Guantanamo Detainees

Arab World News links to a story reported in Tehran Times
5 ex-Guantanamo detainees freed in Kuwait
KUWAIT CITY (AP) -- A Kuwait criminal court acquitted five former Guantanamo detainees of charges that they collected money for Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network.
The five were freed from the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay in November but were arrested upon their return home to Kuwait and were charged with belonging to al-Qaeda. [Full Story]

So what do you think would happen if the U.S. releases prisoners or closes Guantanamo Bay? This is a no-brainer.
Palmetto Pundit posted UN Panel Wants To Axe Guantanamo

Struggling ABC selects Charles Gibson

Who watches ABC "World News Tonight"? If I would not have read it, I would have never known.

Gibson starts on Monday. He will continue on "Good Morning America" for June, and then leave that broadcast to concentrate solely on the evening news. Fox News reports.....

Actually I don't watch "Good Morning America" either....

Others Blogging:
Hot Air

Cockroach Cartoon Spurs Riots in Iran

Say What?
On Friday, the Farsi-language paper Iran published a cartoon showing a cockroach speaking Azeri, the language of an ethnic group in northwestern Iran.
The cartoon provoked riots in Tabriz, the capital of Eastern Azerbaijan province, on Monday. Police fired tear-gas as rioters smashed windows of the local governor’s office. Source
Gateway Pundit has more on this story.

"Historic Day" declared in Iraq

Via World News
May 20, 2006 has been declared an “historic day” by the government in Iraq.

I love pictures like this....

Israel's Most Wanted Man since 1998 Arrested

Israeli forces captured Ibrahim Hamed early Tuesday in Ramallah. Since 1998, Hamed has been the most wanted and accused of masterminding a series of suicide bombings that killed as many as 78 people, including two bombings in one day in 2003. More on the Top Hamas Fugitive Nabbed...

On Sept. 9, 2003 two bombing attacks rock Israel, just hours apart; one in Jerusalem and the other Tel Aviv. Suicide bombers!

Haaretz reports: After an eight-year manhunt, Israeli security forces early Tuesday seized the Ramallah-area commander of Hamas' military wing, Israel's most wanted man in the West Bank.

Other Blogging:
Caption's Quarters

Peace Hero - President Bush

I found this picture at Beth's Blue Star Chronicles .
You have to know that the people of Iraq are thankful for their freedom and we are happy for them.

Bush Liberator
Beth also linked to The Anchoress - The Essential President Bush. I would highly recommend all to read this post.

Monday, May 22, 2006

24: Final Finale

H/T for picture: Blogs4Bauer

Be sure to check out Blogs4Bauer tonight!!
I will be watching the 2 hour finale also. The clock is ticking.....
UPDATE: Now I can't wait until Jan. 07

Democrat Caught on Tape taking Bribes

H/T Stop The ACLU - A Must Read!!!

You have to check this out - Rep. William Jefferson (D-La) caught red handed.

WASHINGTON — A congressman under investigation for bribery was caught on videotape accepting $100,000 in $100 bills from an FBI informant whose conversations with the lawmaker also were recorded, according to a court document released Sunday. Agents later found the cash hidden in his freezer.

Jefferson thinks it is funny......

At one audiotaped meeting, Rep. William Jefferson, D-La., chuckles about writing in code to keep secret what the government contends was his corrupt role in getting his children a cut of a communications company's deal for work in Africa

One more quote here......

As Jefferson and the informant passed notes about what percentage the lawmaker's family might receive, the congressman "began laughing and said, 'All these damn notes we're writing to each other as if we're talking, as if the FBI is watching,"' according to the affidavit.
Jefferson, who represents New Orleans, has not been charged and denies any wrongdoing. Oh the story gets deeper- [read more]

Give me break....Denies any wrongdoing? huh? Be sure to check out Stop the ACLU take on this.
Other Blogging:
Caption's Quarters - Expose the Left - California Conservative - Gateway Pundit - The Sandbox - Webloggin - Pros and Cons - Michelle Malkin - The Florida Masochist - Iowa Voice - Big Dog's Weblog - Freedom for Some -

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Prosecution may Ensure our National Security

Via Breitbart

Attorney Gen.: Reporters Can Be Prosecuted
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said Sunday he believes journalists can be prosecuted for publishing classified information, citing an obligation to national security.
The nation's top law enforcer also said the government will not hesitate to track telephone calls made by reporters as part of a criminal leak investigation, but officials would not do so routinely and randomly.
"There are some statutes on the book which, if you read the language carefully, would seem to indicate that that is a possibility," Gonzales said, referring to prosecutions. "We have an obligation to enforce those laws. We have an obligation to ensure that our national security is protected."

I feel these laws should be enforced. The leaks must stop!!

Gonzales said he would not comment specifically on whether The New York Times should be prosecuted for disclosing the NSA program last year based on classified information.
What part of classified do they not understand? We have evil people that want to kill Americans and I hope that prosecutions will come to ones that disclose this crucial information that informs our enemies. I say put them behind bars.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Congratulations IRAQ on New Government

Discovery Moves to Launch Pad

Space shuttle Discovery moves to launch pad
CAPE CANAVERAL -- NASA began moving Discovery to the launch pad Friday in preparation for only the second liftoff of a space shuttle since the Columbia disaster three years ago. Discovery's trek of a little more than 4 miles was expected to take about seven hours aboard a crawler-transporter. The shuttle weighs about 4.5 million pounds. [read more]

Friday, May 19, 2006

Non-Muslims in Iran require Insignia

Worldnetdaily reports: The Iranian Embassy in Ottawa is denying a story published yesterday by Canada's National Post [more]

This is very, very disturbing and frightening for Christians and Jews in Iran.

Iran eyes badges for Jews
Law would require non-Muslim insignia

Human rights groups are raising alarms over a new law passed by the Iranian parliament that would require the country's Jews and Christians to wear coloured badges to identify them and other religious minorities as non-Muslims. Full Story
Picture Caption: Jews were made to wear stars to identify them in Nazi Germany.

Other Blogging:
Hot Air - Stop the ACLU - Mike's America - Sister Toldjah - Ninth State - A Blog For All - The Jawa Report - Gayle's Republican Blog - The Sandbox - Flopping Aces - Planck's Constant -

Social Security Granted to Illegals

This is outragous......We have Senators that have totally lost it!!! Libs + McCain!!
The vote was 50-49.
Via The Washington Times
The Senate voted yesterday to allow illegal aliens to collect Social Security benefits based on past illegal employment -- even if the job was obtained through forged or stolen documents.
"There was a felony they were committing, and now they can't be prosecuted. That sounds like amnesty to me," said Sen. John Ensign, the Nevada Republican who offered the amendment yesterday to strip out those provisions of the immigration reform bill. "It just boggles the mind how people could be against this amendment."
The Ensign amendment was defeated on a 50-49 vote.
Then McCain chimes in...A Republican?
"We all know that millions of undocumented immigrants pay Social Security and Medicare taxes for years and sometimes decades while they work to contribute to our economy," said Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican.
"The Ensign amendment would undermine the work of these people by preventing lawfully present immigrant workers from claiming Social Security benefits that they earned before they were authorized to work in our community," he said. "If this amendment were enacted, the nest egg that these immigrants have worked hard for would be taken from them and their families."
What am I missing here? Humm Illegals, forged and stolen documents, and don't forget they entered this country unlawfully....but now they will get S. S. Benefits.
Mr. Ensign was among 44 Republicans and five Democrats who voted to block such payouts. "It makes no sense to reward millions of illegal immigrants for criminal behavior while our Social Security system is already in crisis," said Sen. Jim DeMint, South Carolina Republican. "Why in the world would we endorse this criminal activity with federal benefits? The Senate missed a big opportunity to improve this bill, and I doubt American seniors will be pleased with the result."
I am NOT PLEASED!!!.....then the Democrats again.......
Sen. Patrick J. Leahy, Vermont Democrat, said it would be unfair to deny illegals the benefits. "We should not steal their funds or empty their Social Security accounts," he said. "That is not fair. It does not reward their hard work or their financial contributions. It violates the trust that underlies the Social Security Trust Fund."
For more info - click here.
Update: ALSO BLOGGING on this:
GOP Bloggers - Hot Air (Updated info w/list) - E L Frederick - Iowa Voice -

President Bush Favors Fences

Bush Says Border Fencing Makes Sense

President Bush peered across this hot, dusty and very busy illegal crossing point on Thursday, hoping to offer conservatives balking at a broad immigration bill firsthand evidence that he's serious about tightening the nation's 2,000-mile border with Mexico.
He said fences would help stop people from sneaking into the United States. via AP
I view this as GOOD NEWS!!!!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

English Language Amendment

Senator Harry Reid (D-Nev) said "It is racism"... "Unconstitutional" oh and "Mean Spirited"
Huh? The Vote is very shortly...
Give me a Break, why isn't English already our National Language? Watch your tax dollars at work....on the Senate Floor!! This is ridiculous.....

UPDATE: Amendment Passed 63-34
To make ENGLISH the "National Language of U.S."
Guess who voted against it....(lol) The obvious...Clue: The Democrats!!

UPDATE: Friday -Via Washington Times excerpt:

Mr. Reid's charge of racism caused a stir of whispers in the Senate chamber and gallery, and Sen. James M. Inhofe, the Oklahoma Republican who offered the amendment, was clearly offended.
~snip~ Hypocrite Reid again.......

It's certainly not the first time that Mr. Reid has used stark language in the debate over immigration. "Our federal wallet is stretched to the limit by illegal aliens getting welfare, food stamps, medical care and other benefits without paying taxes," he said in 1993. "These programs were not meant to entice freeloaders and scam artists from around the world."
~snip~ Hypocrite Reid again......

But nearly a year after his "freeloaders" statement, Mr. Reid was on the Senate floor criticizing immigrants again and worrying about their cultural impact.

Also Blogging on this:
GOP Bloggers

Viewing Hayden Hearings and Senate Floor-Illegals

Senate grilling, CIA nominee Gen. Michael Hayden on FNC....
On C-SPAN2 - Senators are arguing on Amendments about Illegals...

Condi's Top Ten Music Selections

Condi Rice Loves Acid Rock, Mozart
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said she works out to the acid rock of Cream and rocks out to Kool and the Gang. Elton John's "Rocket Man" reminds her of her first boyfriend.
But Rice, who trained to be a concert pianist before she became the top U.S. diplomat, said her all-time favorite musical work is Mozart's Piano Concerto in D minor.
Rice's eclectic Top 10 music list appeared Tuesday in a special edition of the British newspaper The Independent.
Click here for her Top 10 ....
Condi truly Rocks!!!

Senate Votes for Border Fence

Yesterday the votes were 83-16 for the fence; this will include building a triple-layer fence along 370 miles and a call for 500 miles of vehicle barriers. Are you familiar with vehicle barriers? If not, they are about waist high and often on our expressways. Hummm!! Well this is a start……Guess who voted against this amendment.

Via Powerline
This is the list--all Democrats:
Akaka (D-HI) Bingaman (D-NM) Cantwell (D-WA) Dodd (D-CT)Durbin (D-IL) Feingold (D-WI)Inouye (D-HI) Jeffords (I-VT) Kennedy (D-MA) Lautenberg (D-NJ) Lieberman (D-CT)Menendez (D-NJ) Murray (D-WA) Obama (D-IL) Reed (D-RI) Sarbanes (D-MD)
You have to give Bingaman credit for courage, I guess. The Senators next closest to the border who voted against the fence are from Washington and Illinois.
On Wednesday afternoon, I watched our Senators perform on C-SPAN2. You can only stomach just so much especially having to listen and watch Sen. Kennedy dominate the podium with him screaming continuously.

Worldnetdaily reports: Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., opposed the fence, saying, "What we have here has become a symbol for the right wing in American politics," adding that if the fence were ultimately approved, "our relationship with Mexico would come down to a barrier between our two countries."
We Need a Fence
Stop the ACLU

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

More Planned Marches and Protesting by Illegals

Are the ILLEGALS not pushing their luck or gall? Just when I started to simmer some after being so heated up on this issue. Following the President's Speech, I decided to see how the National Guard being on the border would be and back off on being so angry about illegals entering this country and blatantly protesting for rights. You would think that the illegals would shut-up since most likely they will not be sent home.

The organization called “WE ARE AMERICA” alliance will be protesting today in Washington, D.C. What the heck...... "We are America" and more protests?

Immigrant Supporters To Counter Bush Speech
Bush's plan to dispatch National Guard troops to the Mexican border was not greeted well by the immigrant coalition, which plans a day of civil action Wednesday, with demonstrations at the White House and on Capitol Hill, and the launch of a nationwide voter registration campaign at churches and nonprofit organizations that hopes to sign up a million new voters among legal residents. Full Story
More on this story at Fox News
UPDATE: 2:34 p.m.
Worldnetdaily reports Protesters want citizenship NOW-Reject all proposals, including guest-worker program

Lawsuits Threatened by Mexico

President Bush is sending the National Guard to protect our border, what is up with threats from Mexico? Does Mexico think we should leave our borders open for more illegals, terrorists, drug smugglers, human traffickers.....criminals to enter our country?

CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico - Mexico said Tuesday that it would file lawsuits in U.S. courts if National Guard troops on the border become directly involved in detaining migrants.

Gateway Pundit writes What am I not getting here?
STOP the ACLU wrote "Just when you thought the illegal invasion couldn’t get any more insulting"…
Blogging Sources
Iowa Voice - California Conservative - Blue Crab Bloulevard - The Political Pit Bull

Iran to 'Expands Ties' with Lebanon

Iran Focus
Excerpts from article: Ahmadinejad says Iran to expand ties with Lebanon
United States official have accused Tehran of supporting rejectionist groups operating in Lebanon in an attempt to destabilise the Middle East.

In January, hard-line Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad travelled to Damascus to meet with Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad. At the end of the trip, Ahmadinejad defended al-Assad in the United Nations probe into the murder of former Lebanese Prime Minster Rafiq Hariri.

A UN-appointed committee investigation into Hariri’s assassination in 2005 found that senior Syrian leaders were directly involved.

Regional allies Iran and Syria are both accused by the United States of being state sponsors of terrorism.

Ahmadinejad sure is busy rounding up countries for allies......

Please Help Find Ashley Howley

Lilo writes.....
"Next month will mark two full years that Ashley has been gone, lost to those that loved her, her family, her friends. And although her case has been long forgotten by the media... it has not been forgotten by those that knew her best. And, they are desperate to share her story... and hopefully move someone enough to provide the information needed to bring her home."

For more on this important Missing precious girl, please click here.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

THE SENATE rejects 'Security First' on the Border

World Net Daily reports:
Senate rejects 'security-first' proposalAmendment called for tightening border before tackling other concerns

President Bush's plan for a "comprehensive approach" to immigration, outlined in a primetime speech last night, took one step forward today as the Senate rejected a call to secure the nation's borders before addressing other immigration-related concerns.
In a 55-40 vote, the Senate dismissed an amendment by Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-Ga, to bar the federal government from altering the status of any illegal immigrant until every border security provision in the immigration bill had been implemented and the Homeland Security secretary certified the border is secure.
Another excerpt:
"We have to have a comprehensive approach if we're going to gain control of the borders," said Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass.